
IMaSS Scientific network for innovation IMaSS aims IMaSS on social networks


In order to register to IMaSS you must fill out the online registration form, pay the membership fee by bank transfer and send the copy of the payment to the IMaSS secretariat, by fax: 02 45498199 or by e-mail:

The annual membership fees are:

  • € 50,00 for ordinary membership
  • € 25,00 for ordinary membership under 30

    In order to renew the IMaSS membership for year 2025, please do NOT fill out the registration form!

    You can simply pay the membership fee throughout:

  • bank transfer: Banca Sella, IBAN: IT83H0326820700052875078770 BIC/SWIFT: SELBIT2BXXX Payable to: IMaSS
  • credit card: after registration to IMaSS Treasury with your credentials * and clicking on "Renew your membership fee"

    If you will renew by bank transfer we ask you to send the copy of the payment to the IMaSS secretariat, by e-mail:
    *In order to request credentials for IMaSS Treasury (different than those for the members area of IMaSS website) please write to: