
IMaSS Scientific network for innovation IMaSS aims IMaSS on social networks

IMaSS got Talent 2017

IMaSS is pleased to organize:

IMaSS got Talent 2017
Mass Spectrometry Scientific Incubator

A day for presentation of data and ideas:
a mass spectrometry forum for young researchers

Turin, July 21th, 2017
University of Turin, Department of Molecular Biotechnology and Health Science,
Classroom Copernico

Registration is free for all the partecipants

IMaSS wants to organize an informal day event, free of charge and open to everybody, to give a chance to present their work (in the form of posters, presentation or even oral communication) to the Italian scientific community. In this way we would like to encourage and introduce the young researchers and students to the world of congresses and scientific workshops, in a more informal setting of other meetings.

Click here to download the Book of Abstracts: